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Associate Professor of Finance and Economics LIU WEIMIN Weimen Liu is a Lecturer in Finance in the Manchester School of Accounting and Finance at the University of Manchester, which he joined in 2000. He previously held research positions at the University of Exeter and the University of Manchester. He holds an MSc from Lancaster University and a PhD from the University of Manchester. He has published in the Journal of Business Finance and Accounting.
LOBEZ FREDERIC Frederic Lobez is a Professor of Finance at the Ecole Superieure des Affaires of the Universite de Lille 2. His research activities focus mainly on banking and the credit market. Frederic Lobez is also a Professor at the Universite Catholique de Lille, where he is heading the research team LABORES (CNRS).
Dr. Hermann Locarek-Junge is full professor of Finance and Financial Services at Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany (since 1995) and adjunct faculty of Pfeiffer Universty, Charlotte, NC and IPFM, Prague (since 2001). He received his doctorate in Business Administration from Augsburg University. He has published 5 books and more than 50 articles. He is an Editor of a Finance, Capital Market, and Banking series and a referee for some academic journals. He sits on the board of several academic associations and councils. His current research interests are risk measurement, operational risk management, and asset management.
Research Interests: international financial risk modeling, investments and capital markets.
Teaching Interests: investments, financial modeling, capital markets, risk management.