2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 |
2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 |
MEISNER NIELSEN /Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
"The Return to Direct Investment in Private Firms: New Evidence on the Private Equity Premiuim Puzzle"
EFM VOLUME 17, 3, 2011 (June 2011 Issue)
G. WILLIAM SCHWERT / University of Rochester
"Stock Volatility during the Recent Financial Crisis"
EFM VOLUME 17, 5, 2011 (November 2011 Issue)
NADJA GUENSTER / University of California at Berkeley
ROB BAUERR / Maastricht University
JEROEN DERWALL / Maastricht University & Tilburg University
KEES KOEDIJK / Tilburg University
"The Economic Value of Corporate Eco-Efficiency"
EFM VOLUME 17, 4, 2011 (September 2011 Issue)