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Mareeswaran M (presenting).
Passive Ownership and Investment Efficiency
Linxiang Ma (presenting), Fanqi Meng.
Friends with Benefits: Social Connection and Venture Capital Investment Efficiency.
Xiyuan Ma (presenting), Yun Ling, Juan Yao.
Beyond returns: The impact of price path convexity on mutual fund flows.
Marina Magidou (presenting), Panayiotis C. Andreou, Neophytos Lambertides.
Stock Price Crash Risk and the Managerial Rhetoric Mechanism: Evidence from R&D Disclosure in 10-K filings.
Debasish Maitra (presenting), Priti Biswas.
Bank Financial distress and stock price crashes.
Sasan Mansouri (presenting), Andreas Barth, Fabian Woebbeking.
Market discipline in banking: the role of financial analysts.
Connie Mao (presenting), Yuqi Gu, Yueru Qin.
To Grant or Not to Grant: Inventor Gender and Patent Examination Outcomes.
Francisco Marcet (presenting), YDaniel Ferres.
The Positive Spillover Effects of Corporate Violations: Board Interlocks and Corporate Social Responsibility.
Joseph Marks (presenting).
State-Dependent Intertemporal Risk-Return Tradeoff: Further Evidence.
Roy Martelanc (presenting), Aigla Gomes-da-Silva.
Winners x Loosers: Impact on Credit Behavior after an Uncertain Outcome in the Brazilian 2018 and 2022 Elections.
Nadia ZIAD Massoud (presenting), Nazanin Babolmorad, Mark Kamstra, Xinyao zhou.
Whose Attention Matters? Evidence from News Sentiment.
Cesario Mateus (presenting), Miramir Bagirov.
Analyzing intraday volatility spillovers between Petroleum and stock sectors.
Gianluca Mattarocci (presenting), Lucia Gibilaro.
Does Third Party Origination affect recovery risk? Evidence from the US Single-Family Loans.
Raimond Maurer (presenting), Arwed Ebner, Vanya Horneff.
Life-Cycle Portfolio Choice with Stock Market Loss Framing: Explaining the Empirical Evidence.
Khelifa Mazouz (presenting).
Not all green good: Evidence from the EU green bond market.
Paolo MAZZA (presenting), Aurore Burietz, Takeharu SOGO.
Attractivity, Rentability: The Strategy of the Lead Lender in the Syndicated Loan Market.
Francesco James Mazzocchini (presenting), Valeria Caivano, Paola Deriu, Caterina Lucarelli, Paola Soccorso.
Information preference in equity crowdfunding investment:the moderation of financial knowledge and digital agency.
William McCumber (presenting), Lingna Sun.
CEO Networks and Shareholder Litigation.
Shengfeng Mei (presenting), Mario Cerrato.
Quantitative Easing, Banks' Funding Costs, and Credit Line Fees.
Iwan Meier (presenting), Hoa Briscoe-Tran, Reem Elabd, Valeri Sokolovski.
Social Premiums.
Victor Mendes (presenting), Margarida Abreu, Mario Santos.
Households’ Portfolio Behavior During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Portugal.
J. Ginger Meng (presenting), Yumeng Yan, Xiong Xiong, Gaofeng Zou.
Speculation or Portfolio Rebalance during IPOs? Evidence from China.
Fanqi Meng (presenting).
Friends versus Funding: Unpacking the Dynamics of Social Connections and Staged Financing in VC Investment.
Mihail Miletkov (presenting), Yunhe Li, Yu Liu, Tina Yang.
Creating Value through Corporate Social Responsibility: The Role of Foreign Institutional Investors in Chinese Listed Firms.
Koutaroh Minami (presenting).
Time-varying overreaction of diagnostic expectations.
Svetlana Mira (presenting), Ruth Sagay, Onur Tosun.
Boards and IPO Firm Survival.
Mathis Mörke (presenting), Niclas Käfer, Tobias Wiest .
Option Factor Momentum.
Maurizio Montone (presenting), Stefano Battiston, Irene Monasterolo.
Technological greenness and long-run performance.
Flávio Morais (presenting), Zélia Serrasqueiro, Joaquim Ramalho.
To be or not to be debt-free, which is the optimal answer for a better firm performance?
Seyed Mojtaba Mousavi (presenting), Ilaria Piatti, George Skiadopoulos.
COVID-19 Pandemic Risk and the Cross-Section of U.S. Stock Returns.
Sebastian Müller (presenting), Christian Breitung.
Global Business Networks.
Roberto Mura (presenting).
Large Shareholder Diversification And Corporate Cash Holding.