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Kremena Bachmann (Presenting)
Changes of Financial Welfare With Retirement: Does Retirement Planning Matter?
Marina Balboa, German Lopez-Espinosa, Antonio Rubia (Presenting), Lenos Trigeorgis.
Loan Loss Reserves Underprovisioning in U.S. Banks: Managerial Preferences for Gambling.
Chiara Banti (Presenting), Kate Phylaktis.
Financialization of Housing Markets: Can REITs be the Culprit of Rising House Prices?
Johannes A. Barg (Presenting), Wolfgang Drobetz, Sadok El Ghoul, Omrane Guedhami, Henning Schröder.
Board Ancestral Diversity and Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emission Disclosure.
Adelina Barbalau, Federica Zeni (Presenting),
The Optimal Design of Green Securities.
Emilio Barone, Gaia Barone (Presenting), Jeffrey C. Williams.
The Making of Zero Curves.
Sohnke Bartram (Presenting) (Presenting), Leslie Djuranovik, Anthony Garrat.
Currency Anomalies.
Does informative risk disclosure matter in IPO underpricing? The impact of the European evolving normative context.
Vishaal Baulkaran (Presenting), Pawan Jain.
The Impact of Robo-advising on Investment Planning.
Karoline Bax (Presenting), Özge Sahin, Claudia Czado, Sandra Paterlini.
ESG, Risk, and (tail) dependence.
Rainer Baule, Oliver Beckmann (Presenting), Christian Tallau.
Bank Capital Regulation and the Sovereign-Bank Nexus: Evidence from European Banks.
Yilmaz Bekyol (Presenting), Bernhard Schwetzler.
The impact of leadership diversity on private equity fund performance.
Pedro Belisario (Presenting).
Best Predictors: Mutual Fund Specialization and Institutional Herding.
Luca Bellardini (Presenting), Simona Galletta.
Did the COVID-19 Pandemic Affect Banks' Ownership Structure? Evidence from Europe.
Wolfgang Bessler (Presenting).
Short-Selling Restrictions and Financial Stability in Europe: Evidence from the Covid-19 Crisis.
Mattia Bevilacqua (Presenting), Radu Tunaru, Davide Vioto.
Options-based systemic risk, financial distress, and macroeconomic downturns.
Pawel Bilinski (Presenting), Irene Karamanou, Marios Panayides, Anastasia Kopita.
Algorithmic trading and corporate innovation: Evidence from the Tick Size Pilot.
Matías Braun (Presenting) , Santiago Truffa, Ercos Valdivieso.
The Social Geography of Misconduct.
Evans Boamah (Presenting).
Narcissistic CEOs promise more than they deliver: A case from Share Repurchases.
Stefano Bonini (Presenting), Suman Banerjee, Meghana Vaidya.
Heterogeneity in CDS coverage
Celso Brunetti (Presenting), Gaetano Antinolfi, Jay Im.
Mortgage Rates and Credit Risk: Evidence from Mortgage Pools.
John Burger (Presenting), Martijn Boermans.
Fickle Emerging Market Flows, Stable Euros, and the Dollar Risk Factor.
Jérémie Bertrand, Aurore Burietz (Presenting).
What I do is what I think: Loan officer perceptions and loan spread.