All meeting participants must register to participate, attend and access
the conference sessions, inclusive of the special sessions, and other
social events preferably prior to April 5th, 2025 Note1: Eligible for the EFMA Membership Fee:
April 5th 2025EFMA Members
(Attended Last Year EFMA)Non-EFMA Members
Past Exhibitors
New Exhibitors
(1) If you subscribe to the EFM journal, provide your Customer ID.
(2) If you attended the last year's EFMA meeting.
Note 2: All Meeting participants must complete the Registration Form and register prior to the Meetings. No Registration will be conducted during the Meetings.
Registration Cancellation Policy:
Registrations are non-refundable after March 10, 2025. A refund of
pre-paid fees will be made, excluding an administrative charge of
$200, provided that an advance written request is submitted by
March 10, 2024. All refunds will be handled within 30 days after
the end of the annual meetings.
No registration will be conducted during the meetings. Delegates can obtain their badges and conference material at the registration desk.
Deree-The American College of Greece
Main Entrance
Please note that pictures and video recordings will be taken by conference staff throughout the EFMA annual meeting. By registering for the conference you agree to your image and personal information being passed to the EFMA and published on their website ( and being used in materials published by the host institution, either online or in hard copy, for publicity and promotional purposes.
Invitation / VISA Letters:
Conference participants requiring a letter of invitation in order
to obtain a VISA to attend the conference should write to the
Registration Desk ( specifying the necessary
Payment for the registration fee must be completed prior to requesting an invitation letter. Please make sure that your request for an invitation letter includes the following information:
1. Name, postal address, and a valid email address;
2. Paper number or title, if you are presenting a paper;
3. The words “invitation letter request” in the subject field of
your email request.
The visa letters will be emailed in a printable pdf format and will
state only the following information:
Conference title, paper title, dates, and location; and that the
required registration fee has been paid in full;
Note: Attendees who need visas are advised to apply for it to the
respective consulate/embassy 2-3 months prior to the Conference.