EFM "Merton H. Miller" Doctoral Seminar Student Presentations
GROUP #1: Capital Markets & Investments
Investment Manager Selection by University Endowments (PDF Version)
Charikleia Kaffe,Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, UK
Email: ck469@cam.ac.uk
Equity Market Reactions to Japan's First Corporate Governance Code (PDF Version)
Mariko Yasu,University of Edinburgh Business School, UK
Email: mariko.yasu@ed.ac.uk
Private Equity and Taxes (PDF Version)
Peter Severin, University of Mannheim, Germany
Email: severin@uni-mannheim.de
Learning about Analysts’ Forecast Errors: Implications for Asset Prices (PDF Version)
Ella D.S. Patelli, HEC Montréal, Canada
Email: ella.patelli@hec.ca
An Exploration of Low Carbon Investment by Institutional Investors: The Case of Germany, Ireland and UK (PDF Version)
Norah Storey, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland
Email: norah.storey@postgrad.wit.ie
Are Analysts Opportunistic? The Case of Seasoned Equity Offerings and Regulation in the European Market (PDF Version)
Syed Hassan Raza Kazmi, University Paris Dauphine, France
Email: syed-hassan-raza.kazmi@dauphine.eu
GROUP #2: Corporate Finance 1
Friends with Threats: Credit Risk Under Common Ownership (PDF Version)
Luca Xianran Lin,IESE Business School, Spain
Email: LLin@iese.edu
Corporate Divestitures During Industry Downturns (PDF Version)
Aleksandra Baros, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy
Email: aleksandra.baros@unicatt.it
Stock Recalls as a Source of Informational Advantage through Short Selling: Empirical Evidence from Mergers and Acquisitions (PDF Version)
Richard Schubert, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
Email: richard.schubert@kit.edu
The (Un)Sustainability of the Anti-Competitive Effects of Common Ownership
(PDF Version)
Gabriele Lattanzio,The University of Oklahoma, USA
Email: gabriele.lattanzio@ou.edu
GROUP #3:Corporate Finance 2
Altruism in Family Firms: Evidence from Pay Differentials between Family and non-Family Employees (PDF Version)
Irena Kustec, BI Norwegian Business School, Norway
Email: irena.kustec@bi.no
The Disciplining Effect of Status: Achieving Objectivity through Certification (PDF Version)
Marina Gertsberg, Yale School of Management,USA
Email: marina.gertsberg@yale.edu
How Do Financial expert CEOs influence Capital Structure? (PDF Version)
Chang Gong,ESCP-Europe
Email: Chang.gong2@edu.escpeurope.eu
The Effects of Ownership Change on Resource Allocation and Transparency: Evidence from Korean Business Groups Eliminating Cross-Shareholdings (PDF Version)
KIM Sue, University of Edinburgh Business School, UK
Email: Suhee.Kim@ed.ac.uk
The Transfer of Risk Taking along the Supply Chain (PDF Version)
Tri Tri Nguyen,University of East London, UK
Email: tri.tri.nguyen@uel.ac.uk
GROUP #4:Security Markets
Do Options Markets React to Macroeconomic News?
(PDF Version)
Mina Mirshahi, Queen Mary University of London, UK
Email: mina.mirshahi@qmul.ac.uk
Underpricing in the Euro-denominated High Yield Bond Market (PDF Version)
Yiming Zeng, , University of Sussex, UK
Email: yz341@sussex.ac.uk
In Addition to the Classic Factors, are there any other ones that May Help Explain the Companies' Capital Structure? (PDF Version)
Samuel Mamede, Mackenzie Presbyterian University, Brazil
Email: samuelpnmamede@gmail.com
How to Win the Stock Market Lottery
(PDF Version)
Yanran Cao,University of Edinburgh Business School, UK
Cost and Pricing Structures of Capital Markets Infrastructure Institutions: A Closer Look at Integration (PDF Version)
Seven Ipek, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
Email: sevenipek@yahoo.com