[ Exhibitors Registration Form ]
The European Financial Management Association will hold its Annual Meeting in Basel, Switzerland, June 30 - July 3, 2004. The conference will be hosted by Universität Basel.
The Annual meetings consist of a large number of parallel paper sessions on, but not limited to, the following areas of research:
110 - Agency Theory and Contracting Problems
120 - Behavioural Issues
130 - Bankruptcy and Financial Distress
140 - Capital Structure
150 - Corporate Governance
160 - Corporate Takeovers and Divestitures
170 - Dividend Policy
180 - Earnings Management and related Issues
190 - Management Compensation
200 - Market based Accounting Research
210 - Measuring and Managing Firm Value
220 - Project Selection and Cost of Capital
230 - Securities Issuance
240 - Working Capital Management
310 - Asset Pricing Models and Tests
320 - Behavioural Issues
330 - Equities
340 - Fixed Income
350 - Market Efficiency and Anomalies
360 - Market Microstructure
370 - Portfolio Management and Asset Allocation
380 - Portfolio Performance Evaluation
410 - Options
420 - Futures and Forwards
430 - Real Options
440 - Other Derivative Securities
450 - Risk Management and Financial Engineering
510 - Depository Institutions - Management
520 - Depository Institutions - Regulation
530 - All Other Institutions - Management
540 - All Other Institutions - Regulation
550 - Interest Rates and Term Structure
560 - Issues in Monetary and Economic Policy
570 - Money and Capital Markets
610 - Currency Markets and Exchange Rates
620 - Emerging Markets
630 - International Market Integration and Efficiency
710 - Accounting Issues
720 - Behavioural Finance Issues
730 - Financial Education
740 - Insurance
750 - Law, Ethics and Finance
760 - Methodological Issues
770 - Personal Financial Planning
780 - Real Estate
790 - Regulated Industry
800 - Small Business
810 - Venture Capital
You can exhibit from June 30 - July 3, 2004. You can set up your booth at 10am June 29th. Please also note that the meetings end July 3rd around 1-2pm.
Exhibit times: Every day 8:00am-6:00pm
We offer the possibility to exhibit books, journals, software, and other relevant materials from June 30-July 3, 2004.
For space reservation please complete the registration form and return it to our headquarters.
All exhibiting material (books and journals) should arrive at the UBS AG, Ausbildungs- und Konferenzzentrum, Viaduktstrasse 33, Postfach , 4002 Basel, Switzerland (Tel: +41-61-288 72 72), Headquarters of the Meetings, with a clear indication that the content is for exhibition at the Meetings, just a few days prior to the Meetings. If an exhibitor cannot attend the meetings, we can set up an Exhibiting Table for him/her. Exhibiting leftovers should be arranged by the exhibitors to be collected at the end of the Meetings, July 3 (Saturday), 2004. If not, the exhibiting material will be freely distributed to participants. If you have any questions please email to: jdoukas@odu.edu