Keynote Speaker: Prof. Kenneth R. French, Dartmouth College
The European Financial Management Association will hold its 12th Annual Meeting in Helsinki (Finland) from June 25-28, 2003.
RESEARCH PAPERS: Members and friends of the European Financial Management Association are invited to participate in the 2003 Annual Meeting. You are encouraged to submit papers in all areas of Finance and especially with European content or implications.
SPECIAL SESSIONS: In addition to the regular sessions of academic research, the program will include panel discussions, tutorial lectures, open forum sessions, and invited presentations. The goals of these special sessions are to enhance the exchange of ideas between academicians and practitioners, to provide a forum for discussion of special topics and to offer educational opportunities for conference participants. You may submit your proposal to arrange a special session by writing to the Program Chair.
PUBLICATION: A set of papers presented at the meeting will be selected by the 2003 Program Chair and will be published, with author/s consent, in a regular issue of the European Financial Management journal, in cooperation with the Managing Editor. All submitted papers must be accompanied by an abstract of at least 250 words, but no more than 300 words.
ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION: Only electronic submissions will be considered. Send three files in PDF or MS Word format: (1) Complete paper, (2) Paper without the name of author/s’, and (3) The Abstract (i.e., the first page of your paper). The first page of the paper should contain the title, name of the author(s), complete address, telephone, fax numbers, JEL classification codes and e-mail addresses. If there are multiple authors, please indicate which author will attend and which will present the paper. Also, indicate in your cover letter whether you would be willing to serve as a session chair and /or discussant.
DEADLINE: The deadline for papers and proposals is January 15, 2003. Authors will be notified by March 14, 2003. If your paper is accepted, you must send the final version of your paper to the discussant and session chair, atmost by May 20, 2003. Please submit your paper electronically to: &
Eva Liljeblom
Program Chair, 2003 Meeting
Swedish School of Econ. & Bus. Admin.
00101 Helsinki, Finland
Tel: +358-9-431 33 291
Fax: +358-9-431 33 393