Dr. John Doukas
Managing Editor, EFM

John A. Doukas earned his Ph.D in Financial Economics at Stern School of Business, New York University. He is Professor of Finance, William B. Spong, Jr., Chair of Finance and Eminent Scholar at Old Dominion University, Virginia, USA. He is Finance Research Associate (Honorary) at the Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, UK. Professor Doukas was visiting Professor of Finance at Stern School of Business, New York University 2001-2003. He has taught and given seminars at the MBA and Ph.D level in several North American and European Business Schools. He is the recipient of the prestigious Graham & Dodd Award 2004 for his article “Divergent Opinions and the Performance of Value Stocks”. In 2020 he was included in the Stanford University’s list of 2020 World's Top 2% Scientists, all research fields. Dr. Doukas research has been cited over 11,026 times with h-index 51 according to Google Scholar.

His research interests include corporate finance, asset pricing, the role of information in capital markets, behavioral finance theories and determinants of asset pricing and corporate decisions, international financial management, foreign investments, and foreign exchange markets. Dr. Doukas has published over one 150 scientific academic articles on a wide range of finance and businessrelated issues in many academic journals including the Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Portfolio Management, Financial Analysts Journal, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of International Money and Finance, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Investing, Journal of Futures Markets, Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, European Financial Management, Financial Management, and Financial Review.

Professor Doukas is the co-author of the path breaking article on international mergers and acquisitions entitled "The Effect of Corporate Multinationalism on Shareholders' Wealth: Evidence from International Acquisitions", JOURNAL OF FINANCE, 1988, 43, 1161-1175. His co-authored work on "Cognitive Dissonance, Sentiment and Momentum" JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS, Feb. 2013, 48, 1, 245–275 and "Investor Sentiment, Beta, and the Cost of Equity Capital" MANAGEMENT SCIENCE, February 2016, 62, 2, 347-367 are two recent widely cited behavioral finance articles. His work has been widely cited in academic journals and popular textbooks for undergraduates and/or MBA students such as Takeovers, Restructuring, and Corporate Governance, J. Fred Weston, Kwang S. Chung, and Juan A. Siu, 1-2nd edition, 1998, Prentice Hall; Multinational Business Finance, David K, Eiteman, Arthur I Stonhill, and Michael H. Moffett, 5th-9th edition, 1998, Addison Wesley (This is the most widely adapted book for international financial management and international finance undergraduate and MBA courses worldwide); International Investment-Value Creation and Appraisal: A Real Options Approach, Adrian Buckley, 1998, Copenhagen Business School Press; International Financial Management, Cheol S.Eun, and BruceG.Resnick,1998, Irwin McGraw-Hill; International Finance: Management, Markets, and Institutions, James C. Baker, 1998, Prentice Hall, New Jersey; Multinational Finance, Kirt C. Butler, South Western College Publishing,1997 and many others.

Professor Doukas is the founding and managing editor of the European Financial Management (EFM), the leading scientific journal in European finance, the journal of EFMA. He is also the founder of the European Financial Management Association (EFMA). He is Past President of the European Financial Management Association-EFMA. He is the founder and organizer of the Annual EFM "Merton H. Miller" Doctoral Seminar. He is the Editor of the European Finance Abstracts Journal, a Financial Economics Network (FEN) publication, of Social Science Electronic Publishing, Inc. (SSEP) and Social Science Research Network (SSRN). He has published seven books and he is the co-editor of the JAI Press Annual Research Series in International Business and Finance. He has also served asthe Business Experts Press (BEP) collection editor of the book series in Finance & Financial Management with more than 90 BEP books being published. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of International Business Studies(JIBS), the journal of the Academy of International Business (AIB).